Monday, July 27, 2009

Week ONEderful now on to Week TWOmuch fun...

Dad is finishing up week 1 of recovery at home. He still has very low energy and can't shake the mouth sores. According to the doctors, until the white blood cells come back, the body can't fight the virus which is causing the sores so as with everything else, all depends on the white blood cells. His platelettes, "clotting cells", have started to increase. He makes the trek to Denver to the hospital every other day and the trip generally takes at least 5 hours. I guess he and mom have redefined the "perfect date" [for masochists that is].

Monday he was dehydrated so they kept him for a couple of hours to pump fluids. Much to everyone's chagrin he has lost 5 pounds in a week so now he has mandatory milk shakes before going to bed. Who knows, maybe leukemia will be the next fad diet - I wouldn't be surprised.

Mom has been to the grocery store and spent hours shopping for and preparing recipes that are soft enough for dad to chew but calorically dense and nutritious. She is adament that he not eat anything prepared by someone else as she doesn't want to risk anything that could cause infection. As mom says " you know i must really love you if i am willing to go to the store so many times in a week".

Thursday he came out and announced the he was "going....... downstairs to watch some golf". At first I thought he said he was going to play some golf and was quite taken aback. Saturday was Brig's first birthday and the party was in Denver. Rand, who has awoken at 4:45 am to successfully navigate a 75 mile/6 hour bikeride, came over and stayed with Dad while we went to the party. Who knows, maybe they just napped together, but it was again a testimony of the selflessness of Rand.

So all in all we don't have much to report. The plan, which seems to change with each new doctor we talk to, is to wait until Dad is strong enough to begin induction/chemo again. Of course if we get our miracle he could go straight to the bone marrow transplant.

Thanks again for all of the prayers/emails/homemade bread and offers to help. We couldn't do this without our friends and family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your writing is comforting and funny and poignant. Thank you for keeping us in the know. Sally and Willie are visiting and last night as I put 4 year old Wyatt to bed he we all do, for Gordon Lewis.

(Hilma Bellessa)