Friday, October 2, 2009

10-2-09 Update (by Gordon)

We have completed the various tests required to move forward with a bone marrow transplant.

The lung infection seems to have responded to the therapy and is not now deemed to be a problem.

Unfortunately, the bone marrow biopsy did not follow suit. The degree of leukemia cells in my marrow has approximately doubled (13% to 24%) and there are circulating leukemia cells in my bloodstream. These levels do NOT support moving ahead with the transplant plan.

The new plan has me entering the Denver hospital (PSL) on Monday morning for another round of induction. Chemo lasts for about one week and the expected hospital stay is about 4 weeks. A different drug will be used in hopes of finding something that will challenge the drug resistant leukemia. If we can drive the leukemia back into "remission," the transplant is still a possibility.

Have felt weaker and more breathless the last week. Not looking forward to next week but we are committed to play the string out and see what happens.

Thanks for your many cards, pies, website comments, emails, and prayers. I will rely on my daughters to keep the post up to date but there probably won’t be much to report for at least three weeks.



Barb Roper said...

Sorry to hear you are headed back to the hospital. Hope it all goes well for you.

jane said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers.
-Gary and Jane

Anonymous said...

Bummer Gordon - one obstacle overcome and then one to follow but we know you are up to the challenge. With so many prayers being offered on your behalf, you WILL have that transplant. We love you.

Jean and Peter

Anonymous said...

To Kathy and the entire Lewis family,

When we were told today at the Temple that your beloved Gordon passed away yesterday you could hear a collective gasp. We have all been praying so hard but know that the Lord in his wisdom knew what was best for Gordon. Thank heavens for the beautiful plan of salvation - I pray that brings you peace and comfort. You continue to be in my prayers.
My love,