Today we bid farewell to our loving husband, brother, father, uncle, grandpa, and friend. We will miss you! Your love and example will be with us forever.

The last two weeks have been a tremendous roller coaster. We’ve intended to update the blog, but have struggled to know what message to share. After two weeks of the toughest side effects yet, we found out that Dad’s leukemia was gone. We learned that the doctors were planning for a transplant after a 3-4 week recovery period. Dad left the 24-hour care, recovered from delirium, and his swelling improved dramatically. Those few days were filled with cautious hope, and conversation with dad. It was always refreshing when he asked if the market was up or down.

Last Sunday/Monday, the delirium began to slowly return. The doctors moved him back into the ICU, and we all wondered why he seemed to be regressing. Thursday we learned he had contracted a very serious infection called Fournier Gangrene. By Friday morning the doctors were suggesting only a miracle could stop the spread of the infection. After 3.5 months without white blood cells, 4 rounds of chemo and everything he’d been through, an infection is what we’d feared. After so many visits to the hospital where we’d washed our hands, put on gowns, gloves and masks, we knew infection was our enemy. However, we’d always assumed the Leukemia was a bigger concern.

Sara and Crosby caught a plane out Friday afternoon from New York. Dad was so happy to see Sara. One of his few moments of recognition was when he saw her and turned to Rand and said, “I’m back in my fantasty world” and Rand assured her Sara was really there. Dad’s only sibling, his sister, LaRee Sperry, came out Saturday with her son Michael. Dad recognized her as well, and chuckled with surprise when he saw her face.

We so much appreciate the fasting, prayers, notes, emails, gifts and love from all of you. When Dad’s home ward and high priest group cancelled activities and fasted on Halloween, we felt the love and support of all of you. We hoped, fasted and prayed with you for a miracle. We don’t understand why God’s will wasn’t in line with our will. We have faith in our Heavenly Father and his plan. We trust we will be with Dad again in Paradise and look forward to that reunion.
We’re appreciative of the professionals at Presbyterian/St Luke’s hospital in Denver and the Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers. Despite unbelievable conditions, they always treated us and Gordon with the utmost respect, patience and love.
Leukemia is an insidious disease. Chemo therapy is an amazingly difficult treatment. Such an active man spent more than 120 days in the hospital. Beyond the physical pain, he tired of the food, the routine, the interrupted sleep, lack of privacy and the utter helplessness. Gordon faced these challenges with tremendous courage, strength, patience and good humor. His passing was quiet and peaceful, and he was surrounded by loved ones. Although it was painful to witness, we will forever treasure our time with him. We visited him nearly daily for several months in the hospital. These daily interactions reminded of us his wonderful intellect, love, wisdom and support. As painful as this illness was for him, we will forever treasure our opportunity to spend so much time with him in his last months.
***This post was written by Rand.
Our hearts are broken at this news. We embrace you all with our love and prayers.
Mary and Art Ryan
I am writing this with tears streaming down my cheeks. We, too, had prayed for a miracle. Thank you so much for the pictures and the updates. We will remember our friend Gordon forever.
We have a couple beds at our home for any friends or relatives who will come to Boulder.
We love you and pray that you will be comforted at this difficult time. Love, Arlene & Don
We love you guys! I am so sorry he had to go through so much. Our thoughts and Prayers will be with you.
Jeff and Sarah Calder
Gordon is a great man who fought a great fight with dignity. I can't believe he is gone. I hope your family feels great comfort and peace during this time.
Gordon is a great man who fought a great fight. I can't believe he is gone. My heart goes out to you and your family and I hope that you feel peace and comfort during this difficult time.
I am so sad ...... and immediately mindful of everything I learned from him, things I will use through out my own lifetime.
Hugs to all,
Our son Adam called us from LA to give us the news. Ironicly, we were in the Huntsman Cancer Institute as volunteers to assist in the outpatient clinics. Needless to say, we are deeply saddened to hear of Gordon's passing. We love the Lewis family and Gordon has always been, as you say, a wise, grand, loving example for you and for all of us who with you admired him. We will miss him. Please accept out condolences and love at this very difficult time.
Leonard and Kathryn
Life was never designed to be fair. Gordon's early passage from mortality to the Celestial side of the veil is but one glaring example. As one privileged to count him my friend, I am confident that if I live anywhere nearly as well as he did, I will renew that friendship in due course. In the meantime, I am likewise privileged to count Kathleen, Rand, Laura, Sara and Carrie as my friends. May we all give them the support they will surely need in the days ahead.
Words are terribly inadequate at such a time. We love you and grieve with you and offer our hands and hearts in whatever way they are needed. We will certainly cherish our memories of that dear man.
~Anne and Harold Smith
Gordon's passing is a great loss to all of us. My fondest memories of him are as my family's home teacher for 20 years (or longer). I think he may have set a record for being the longest home teacher to one particular family. We loved it and him. My heart is heavy for all of you. He will be greatly missed.
We are deeply saddened by the news of Gordon's passing. He fought a valiant fight which is a testimony to the man he was but he has been called home and this is a huge loss to all who knew him. We share your grief but are so grateful to have known and loved Gordon for all these years. Our love and prayers are with you.
Jean and Peter
We have lost a dear friend. I will always remember his warm smile and strong leadership, his fairness and care for friends and co-workers, his love of cross word puzzles and his strong desire to always help you to do better.
Kathleen, our prayers are with you and your family.
Angela and George Wronski
I can't think of too many adults that had a greater impact on my growing up than Gordon Lewis. He was a constant example of one who was anxiously engaged in a good cause. He showed great interest in my interests -- always asking questions, not satisfied with surface-level answers.
We love you and are praying for you.
Doug and Jenni Maxfield
Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love. - George Eliot
I am so sorry to hear this news. Thanks to your whole family for allowing so many people to witness and share in the depths of your love. Reading about your experiences over the past few months on this blog has been truly inspiring - lessons for all of us on how to treat the people we love.
Becca Bracy Knight
Lewis family--we love you! We are so grateful for all we have learned from Gordon. Our prayers are with you.
Jane and Gary Bryner
Our hearts and prayers go to you and your family at this time. We love you and wish you comfort and peace as time goes on. THe gospel and plan of our Heavenly Father are true. Take solace in that.
Pam and Jason Wandry
Our hearts are with you in this time. I know words of comfort don't mean a lot in these circumstances, but we love you and are praying for you. The brief encounters I had with Gordon showed me how great of a man he was. I just wished I had taken the time to get to know him better.
Chris York (and Robyn & kids)
I'm so sorry to hear this. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
I've thought very highly of Gordon from the day he interviewed me for work nearly 31 years ago. An extraordinarily bright, kind and responsible man, indeed. I'll be holding you all in my heart.
-Neal McBurnett
I am very sorry for your loss. Bishop Lewis was a great man and an example to me. He was the best home teacher ever! May you find peace and be comforted.
Ben Maxfield
I am so sorry to read this sad news. Our thoughts and prayers will be for your family. Brother Lewis was a very kind man.
Love to all of you,
Tiffany Brown
I will always cherish my memories of him- he was wonderful. We're thinking of you and we love you.
Emily and Calvin Smith
My thoughts and prayers to all of you.
Stephen and I feel so sorry for what you are all going through right now. I can only believe that Gordon and Stephen's mom are in the arms of loved ones who have gone before them. Now they will feel no more pains--their burdens are at an end, those ours are not. We love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
I was so sorry to hear about Gordon this morning. I have just been agonizing for all of you. As Travis said, he was a good man. I am praying that you will be blessed with peace and comfort and the hope of a joyous reunion. What a beautiful tribute you wrote to him. We love you!
Brian and Amy Barker
I am really sorry for the news, my thoughts and prayers will be with your family, I hope you can find the comfort that is needed during these hard times. It was a blessing to have him as my first Bishop when I first moved here to US.
Love, The Simons
my eyes are swollen from all of the tears that i have cried for your beautiful family today. we are so sad to hear of the passing of our sweet friend brother lewis. i have so many memories of him in my mind--church ball games, being at the lewis' home, etc. he touched so many lives for good. i love you sister lewis. you have always been one of my heroes and dear friends. thank you. we love you rand, laura, sara, and carrie. our prayers will continue to be with you. much love!
diane gerdy iman
Six years as my basketball coach, 2 years as my Priests Quorum advisor, 2+ months of backpacking trips and 42 years of parenting my best friend. Gordon Lewis has had a tremendous impact for good on my life and I will greatly miss him. 68 years seems way too short, but he packed them full of a lot of goodness. My heart goes out to the family members left behind, and you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Mike Maxfield
What a noble, wonderful life has just been completed! I thank the Lord that I had the privilege of knowing and serving with him. I pray for the Lord's choicest and most comforting blessings to be with Kathleen, his family, and loved ones.
With love,
Mike Williams
We've thought of you all constantly since hearing the news. So happy Sara was there in time to have him know she came. Those moments are so precious. I know your family has the strength, love and support to get through this. We wish we could be there on Friday. Your wonderful updates and writing have helped us take this journey with you and enriched our life view. (Hilma and David Bellessa)
We love him and we will miss him.
Brent & Betsy
hugs. xoxo
Your wonderful, loving, amazing family is such a tribute to Gordon. Kathleen, you and your husband have touched so many lives not only through your own examples of goodness and righteousness, but also through your children--you've certainly done something right to turn out such great kids! We have missed you all since we left and will miss Gordon even more now. We always laughed about how good he was at "supporting" your activities (you know, making sure the ladies didn't get too out of control all hyped up on chocolate and Jane Austen conversation--he just had to walk into the room occasionally to make sure we weren't breaking lamps or putting holes in the walls). We've always admired his sometimes quiet dignity and his wit and wisdom. How wonderful that you have so very many fabulous memories of him and your time together. We will continue to pray for you all. We love you!
The Davies Family
What a touching and beautiful tribute. Gordon was so blessed to have such a loving and devoted family.
I am so saddened to hear this news. I wish there were a way for me to hug all of you! I'm glad you are all together--there is no stronger bond than a Lewis family bond. I love Brother Lewis because I could always count on him to tell it to me straight. I never questioned where he stood, and his opinion was usually soon followed by a smile and a twinkle in his eye--I love his dry sense of humor! I am so appreciative to all the Lewis' for opening your home to me as a 2nd home. I always felt welcome and knew I had a place to land even after we had moved. I hope that we can reciprocate such love to you during this difficult time. We'll be praying for you.
All our hearts and thoughts are with you. We love you very much. We will always feel ourselves greatly blessed to have known Gordon. Truly Gordon has left a legacy to this world in the hearts, minds and lives he touched and blessed.
Oh, Sara. I'm so very sorry for your family's loss. My prayers are with you all.
We are very saddened to hear about Gordon's passing, but pray that your family will be comforted. Gordon is a man who left a huge impact on so many over the years, and he will be remembered fondly in our hearts too. We send our love,
Brent, Tracy, Matt, Catherine and Britlyn Compton
My heart is heavy for you all. What a wonderful man, Brother Lewis! Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Lewis family!
Tiffany Woolley Allen
This is the news that we have dreaded to hear. For 34 years Gordon has been our beloved neighbor, friend, fellow gardener and counsellor. It is hard to imagine living here without him. Gordon lived his life humbly and with full commitment to his Lord and to his family. His life inspired and exemplified the best of humanity for all who knew him. It is not for us to ask why our prayers were not answered, but to now answer the challenge to carry on. Our love, sympathy, and prayers are extended to Kathleen, Rand, Laura, Sara, and Carrie as well as to your beautiful extended families.
Val and Spense Havlick
I am so sorry to hear this sad new. But like so many others, I will be forever grateful for having known Bishop Lewis. Our family will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Thhe Alexanders
Our thoughts and prayers for strength and comfort are centered on you and your family. We will always remember Bishop Lewis' insightful lessons in Gospel Doctrine. Your family is very special and has touched so many lives. Thanks for touching ours.
The Wilkin's
He must have been a remarkable person to father such a family. Your healing hearts are in our prayers.
What a beautiful post in honor of his life. He is blessed to have you all for his family, and I know how blessed you are to have him as your Father, and Spouce. We love you so much and our hearts, thoughts, and prayers are with you.
We appreciate the sacrifices that your Dad made while he was a bishop and serving in the church. He will be remembered as a great man who loved his family and had a strong testimony of the gospel. Our prayers are with you at this time. With love,
Camille and Norm and kids
My heart is aching as I write this. I join with my parents, Kay and Melly Holmstead, in expressing our sincere love and prayers for the Lewis family. Thank goodness for our knowledge of the plan of salvation! My mind is flooded with memories of Brother Lewis and his family, as our families' lives were so intertwined for so many years. Gordon was a devoted, intelligent, faithful man who had a remarkable influence on the lives of so many people.
Laura Holmstead Stanworth
Praying for the whole Lewis family in this time.
Forrest.Janelle Buckner
My heart goes out to all of you at this time. Thoughts and prayers were ever present during these last few months and weeks, with hope that there would be many days in the future where a full recovery would still take place. What an amazingly good man we all have been so blessed to know and love. May God hold each one of you in the "hollow of His hand."
Love, Donna
I am so sorry for you Kathleen. He will be sorely missed by all, especially his family.You have lost your soul mate for a time but what I wouldn't give to see your incredible reunion someday. I laugh at the memories he gave me of keys being brought to me (just a FEW times), and the spirit he brought to gospel doctrine. I love your family and yours and Gordons spirits. Thanks for the great memories and the wonderful blogs. My prayers are with you. Gail
Lewis family:
We are saddened to learn of Gordon's passing. He will be deeply missed. Our thoughts & prayers are with you.
Tony & Janet Seahorn
My prayers are with you, Bishop Lewis was a man that made a large influence in my life as a youth, and I often think of his stalwart character and unconditional love to all he served. He will always be a wonderful example to me.
Chelsea (Brown) Ellingson
What a wonderful man and Uncle. We will miss him dearly and pray for all of you. We know what a wonderful husband and father he was. We wish we could be with you to honor him and share all the fond memories we have of him.
The Martinez Family
I am deeply saddened to learn of Gordon's passing. I always appreciated him so much at the Labs. Above all else, he was such a good person and he will certainly be missed. His family will be in my prayers.
George Taylor
My heart is heavy for you all. I so admire your strength and perspective on all of this. While I'm happy for his release from pain, I'm so sad thinking of you and your loss. My thoughts and prayers are for you all. Much love.
What a kind gentle man. I will miss seeing him in the temple as he completed his shift and I started mine. Our love goes out to everyone, especially family who feel this great loss. You are in our prayers and thoughts. May you feel the sweet comfort of our Heavenly Father's love for you as He welcomes Gordon home.
Lee and Phyllis Lorimer
Even though I have not been in touch with you all for a long time, I will never forget how your family took me in when I lived with Laura. I am so sad to hear about Gordon and all your family has gone through. I got my first job with AT&T because of being connected with him. Your family has always had strong connections with each other and with those you reach. Thank you and my prayers are with you.
Kim Doughman
Our prayers are with you at this difficult time. We loved Bishop Lewis with all our heart and will miss him dearly. He was an amazing father and man. May the Lord pour his spirit and peace upon you during this time.
We love you and wish we could be at the funeral.
David and Chelsea Boss
What a wonderful man and such a sad loss!!!
I only knew Gordon in the work place. He interviewed me in 1980 and convinced me and my family to leave a newly completed dream house and move to Denver. It was a great decision. For the next 12 years I was in Gordon’s organization. Over this period I was able to observe his great skills and his super positive human qualities. Gordon’s intellect, his role model leadership, his willingness to always help and to mentor individuals and their respective groups to achieve complex and lofty project goals. Consistently through all of this period he set an example of unquestionable integrity, great confidence in our abilities and he helped through his personal example to set high targets for our collective endeavors. I recently returned to Denver after a multi-year absence and just learned yesterday of Gordon’s passing. In the last 24 hours I have struggled with the sadness and the loss of such a caring and impactful human being. Kathleen, you and your family should be most proud of Gordon not only for being a great husband and father, but in addition he had a most positive influence in the work place in so many dimensions. The Denver-Westminster “R&D Professional Culture” and many of the top notch products to come out of this location can be traced to Gordon’s “guiding influence”.
Tom & Sally Storey
As my young men’s president and quorum advisor during so many of my formative teenage years, Gordon Lewis made an indelibly positive difference in my life.
I remember one quorum lesson when he became visibly moved as he gave God and his family the credit for all that had become professionally. I have never forgotten his example of humility despite having accomplished so much.
I remember another teenage experience when Gordon just happened to be jogging by when some friends and I were about to get into some mischief in the neighborhood. He didn’t say a word, but his presence caused us to think more clearly and avoid making a bad choice.
On behalf of the Dunford family, I want to share my sincere appreciation and admiration for Gordon Lewis. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Lewis family. We love you.
Ben Dunford
Lewis family - The service today was absolutely beautiful. I was touched with each talk and musical number. Brother Lewis was a remarkable man on so many levels and he will continue to be admired and loved. Our prayers are with you all.
Much love, Erin & Ryan
There are very few men who have had the impact on my life that Gordon Lewis has had on mine. He was always interested in what I was doing and what I was doing to be successful. As I've gotten older, I have grown to appreciate what a great man he was.
Our prayers are with Kathleen, Rand, Laura, Sarah and Carrie. May the Lord grant you comfort and peace at this very difficult time. Your father/husband will truly be missed.
Scott & Libby Boss
I was so sad to hear this news. I remember his well organized notebook that he used when teaching the Priest Quorum, and how carefully he turned the pages. Incedentally, I was with Ben when Gordon's mere presence helped us choose the right. The world is a better place because Gordon Lewis was in it. He touched so many lives for good.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Alan & Rebecca Boss
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